Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 practical things I've learned so far....

Over the past couple of weeks I've become aware of the following things that are absolutely of the norm for Bogota.  Expect any of the following to happen on a daily basis:

1) The pollution is KILLER (not in a good way).  The buses that drive around emit black smoke almost every time they shift gears.  A lot of people actually walk around wearing masks that cover their nose and face.  I've been walking a lot, but have found that by taking the bus or some other form of public transportation you're not as exposed to the pollution as you are when walking.
2) Do not expect toilets to have soap or toilet paper.  Its about fifty-fifty, some bathrooms are super well stocked, while others aren't.  I've started carrying around hand sanitizer and mini toilet paper.
3) Watch for pot-holes and uneven pavement.  I almost trip and fall on my face at least once a day.
4) The weather is unpredictable.  For example, yesterday, it was super warm and sunny in the morning, and by mid-day it was raining and colder, and then got warmer again in the afternoon, and drizzled in the evening.  An umbrella is an absolute must.  Although when the sun comes out, its super strong and warm, and the sky turns an amazing deep-light blue color, indescribable.
5) There are beautiful tropical flowers everywhere, you just have to keep an eye out for them.
6) Everyone dresses really well.  In general, people pay good attention to how they present themselves, and they look great doing it!
7) There are casinos malls, on the street, around the corner.  I have yet to go to one....
8) The rum is awesome!  Wine is pretty expensive.
9) Pedestrians do not have the right of way, the cars do. They do not stop for a pedestrian crossing the street. 
10) Clothes are really expensive, but haircuts and esthetics are super cheap. 
11) Public buses are wild and crazy!  Passengers are usually packed in like sardines, especially during rush hour, and the drivers are true multi-taskers: as you get on, they shift gears to start moving, while taking your money, giving you change, and closing the doors at the same time.  Yesterday, the driver didn't realize that three people were asking him to stop to let us off, until the entire bus was yelling and whistling, not to mention the driver was going about 45+ mph when he slammed on the breaks, I literally almost fell over backwards.  Haha, mental note: brace myself better next time!

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